May, 2018

One day in the unit of reproduction Imed Valencia

I had the great pleasure to visit the excellent center of reproduction URIMED in Valencia. This clinic is part of the UR Group and has 10 reproduction units distributed throughout Spain and all around the world.

When I first arrived, I met Claudio. He was very welcoming, and I was impressed to discover all the modern facilities, integrated into a brand-new hospital.  I found it large, spacious, bright, pleasant and comfortable. A warm atmosphere where I immediately felt comfortable.

Smiles, friendly handshakes before going to the laboratory. I change my clothes, I wash my hands and disinfect them before entering. Everything is High Tech. The team is silent, focused on their work. And, nevertheless, they make me feel welcome with patience and I notice that all the members of the staff are relaxed and peaceful: “Are we not doing the best job in the world?” Explains Irene, the director of the laboratory. The embryologists came early to check the previous day fertilizations. And those from the earliest days. They are satisfied. The day starts well because they observe several blastocysts. Those will be transferred during the day and will give hope to several couples.

We are aware of how important our work is for some couples, because this is sometimes their last attempt, so we just can’t fail…”

The experience, the rigor and the knowledge of the whole team explain how successful the results are. Marta, one of the embryologists, tells me that yesterday she spent 3 hours to select a dozen of spermatozoids to perform an ICSI and thought about this embryo the whole night… “We are aware of how important our work is for some couples, because this is sometimes their last attempt, so we just can’t fail…”

In the corridor, several rooms can accommodate patients. I see a couple talking with the andrologist. Empathic but professional, he makes it clear that the spermogram is not good enough. He knows how to deal with good advices, without any pressure. The couple remained traumatized but confident about their future treatment. The medical staff will adapt and personalize the treatment to their infertility. In other room, the gynecologist is carefully listening to the couple and that help them to feel confident and happy.  The necessary time is taken to talk to this couple who first arrived lost, helpless, and deeply affected… Attentive, he allows them to speak and express themselves.

He is interested in all the details and he clarifies again. I would just leave a busy day and get rid of a full agenda, and nevertheless, he receives them as if that was the only appointment of his day. He clearly explains that he will be using the latest technologies known in assisted reproduction and the most ultramodern techniques so that they can finally be parents .

Maria Jose, the nurse is taking blood samples. With sweetness … and she is constantly listening. She knows perfectly how much that woman had been suffering. She takes her to the door and hugs her, wishing her good luck, then whispers words of encouragement in her ear. The samples will then be sent to the laboratory. She hopes that today there will be even more positive pregnancy tests than yesterday. “If we cannot promise to every couple a happy ending, human biology is too capricious for that, at least we can offer them sweetness, understanding, dedication, listening skills, as well as our experience, our rigor and our desire to do a good job so that most of them know the happiness of being parents … “ 

URIMED, more than 30 years promoting life, marvel, illusion and hope …


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    IMED Valencia UR Vistahermosa