Egg donation

Egg donation makes gestation possible for women who cannot use their eggs through the union of ovules of a donor and the spermatozoa of the male partner.

Particularly indicated for:

  • Repeated IVF/ICSI failures
  • Women over 43 years old
  • Genetic disorders that cannot be diagnosed through known techniques, with the possibility of transmitting them to the children
  • Primary or premature ovarian failure
  • Eggs of bad quality

Egg donation consists of two closely linked processes. On the one hand, one process is associated with the donor and the other, with the preparation of the recipient.

Basic requirements must be met before a donor is accepted:

  • Between 18 and 35 years of age
  • Good psychophysical health
  • Without personal or familiar hereditary diseases
  • Without medical or surgical background of interest
  • All the donors undergo a complete gynecological examination and analyses to make sure that they have good health condition.

To avoid the transmission of genetic diseases, the donor is submitted to a complete chromosomal study and the couple is offered the possibility to check the genetic compatibility with the donor.

When the donor is selected, we rely on a compatibility study of physical characteristics, and on the blood group between the donor and the recipient, ensuring high similarity with the future mother.

The Spanish law, unlike many European countries, is clear. Egg donation enjoys two-way anonymity. The identity of the donor is not disclosed to the recipient and vice versa.

The process undergone by the donor is identical to that of the controlled ovarian stimulation followed in the in vitro fertilization technique.

Before starting this process, a previous interview to the recipient is required to create her clinical record, analytical story, and the necessary tests to ensure an adequate transfer process. The recipient receives a hormonal treatment that prepares the uterus for the embryo reception.

The embryo reception is not a painful process and there is no need to wait for a long time because our donation program ensures a transfer within 3-4 weeks from the uterine preparation.

Egg donation: safety and reliability

Safety and peace of mind

Before the possibility, although it is extremely slight that a future DNA test of the donor may be required for a genetic screening of the newly born (for any disease or problem), the DNA of ALL our donors is maintained in the BIOBANK or our genetic unit, providing more confidence and peace of mind for all the issues related to the baby and their health.


For this study, the location of the donor, getting in touch with her or using her personal data is not required because we already have her genetic profile, thus protecting her privacy.


This service is offered free-of-charge and as added value to all our egg recipients, maintaining this sample indefinitely.


To make use of the sample, an official medical report is required before it can be assessed by our geneticists.

If you have any questions or think you can get benefits with this technique, request a consultation with us on the telephone number 963 003 017


Provide us with your telephone number and we will call you back.

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    IMED Valencia UR Vistahermosa